Thank you for endorsing
Sarah Coolidge!
There is a lot to do to win an election!
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Vote for dedication, innovation and progress for North Tahoe.
Vote for Sarah Coolidge
During my term on the NTPUD board I have served as Secretary, VP and President, as well as representing our district on Placer County’s CAP committee recommending how TOT dollars be spent locally to improve the quality of life for local residents while mitigating the heavy impacts of tourism.
I am proud of championing a thorough NTPUD rate assessment so that we could develop a rate structure that assures ratepayers of the predictability and fairness of our rates and provides the needed capital to maintain our aging infrastructure now and into the future. I have also been an integral voice for improving transparency, public outreach, up-to-date technology, fiscal responsibility and continued growth in recreation service, including the upgrading of the event center.
I have lived, worked and raised a family here and am highly skilled in community and business development. As such, I bring an innovative and future-oriented approach to the challenges faced by our community and PUD.
My board experience is going to be more critical in the next four years, as we continue to solidify our plan for capital improvements and grow community and commercial programming at our newly refurbished event center while addressing the challenges of post-Covid times.
Vote Early!
Coolidge for North Tahoe Public Utility District 2020 FPPC# 1428393